China hands over aided library to Congo (Brazzaville)


On January 25, 2011, Li Shuli, Chinese ambassador to Congo (Brazzaville), and Congo higher education minister Angre Antony Abernat signed a contract to hand over the China-aided library of Enguwabi University. The signing ceremony was witnessed by 30 people, including the commercial counselor of Chinese embassy in Congo, representative of China Geo-Engineering Corporation International Ltd. (CGC), general office director of Congo higher education ministry, Congo project acceptance check committee director, president of Enguwabi University, and the media. Minister Abernat and ambassador Li delivered speeches, and ambassador Li, on behalf of the Chinese government, transferred a symbolic key of the library to minister Abernats. The two parties expected President Sasu to cut the ribbon for the final transfer of the project.

The two parties sign the transfer contract.

Ambassador Li hands the symbolic key to Congo higher education minister.