Inauguration and Opening Ceremony of Senegal MEKHE II Pump Station Project

SOURCE: Senegal

On October 30th, 2023, the inauguration and opening ceremony of Senegal MEKHE II Pump Station Construction Project, which was undertaken by our company, was held at the project site. Senegal Prime Minister Amadou BA, Minister of Water Resources and Sanitation Serigne Mbaye THIAM, and General Manager of the National Water Company of Senegal Charles FALL jointly attended the ceremony and cut the ribbon. More than 300 people attended the ceremony, including local government officials, representatives from the investor French Development Agency, the operating company, and the public. Our representatives in Senegal were also invited to attend.

Equipped with electrical, electromechanical and ancillary equipment, the pumping station has a capacity of 9,000 m3/h, with civil facilities allowing for an extension to 12,500 m3/h and a 90/30 KV transformer substation. This is another significant livelihood project undertaken by our company after the successful completion of the KMS3 Lot 6 water supply project, which involved the supply and laying of 55 km of DN 1500 mm ductile iron pipeline.

The Prime Minister highly praised and commended the project, stating that once the pump station is put into operation, it will greatly improve the water shortage situation of the entire Thies region, as well as Dakar. 

The prime minister of Senegal cuts the ribbon for the project.

The prime minister of Senegal inaugurates the project.


Buffer tank

Local people celebrate the completion of the pump station.