Donation Ceremony of CGC Niger for the Niger People


On August 28th, 2012,  CGC Niger donated  15, 000,000 CFA Franc West (about   180,000 RMB) to the flooding area in Niger, making it the first Chinese company offering donation to this country, which showed our great care to the Niger people. We sincerely wish that the Niger people can overcome the disaster and rebuild their homes very soon.

Since August, large area in Niger was suffering floods due to a series of heavy rains, 400, 000 people’s lives were seriously affected. Lots of hospitals, schools, roads and other infrastructures were destroyed, farmlands were also drowned, and the loss was inestimable.

Chief executive of Niamey Great Region (the middle one) is shaking hands with Mr. Ye’erken, Manager of CGC Niger, to express her appreciation.